The Inter-relationship of the TRB and Battle-axe Cultures in Denmark (Figs. 1-4)
(p. 33)
Only a few important problems within Danish Stone Age research have been brought forward by fresh material and new excavations during the last five years; one of them is the question of inter-relationship of the two major Neolithic cultures. I refer to the Jutland battle-axe and the TRB culture. Their special problems are broadly speaking the same as we find on the Danish islands with local groups of the same cultures, and also the same as in South and Central Sweden, where the TRB culture faces a third group of battle-axe peoples, this time the rich and important Swedish-Norwegian (boat-axe or) battle-axe culture. Thus the Jutland Neolithicis not only of local importance but is generally considered as having a key-position within the ever-Iasting debate on the general problems of Northem battle-axe cultures in relation to TRB culture.