Dömsöd: Ein frühbronzezeitliches Urnengräberfeld in Ungarn
J.J. Butler
Emily Schalk
In 1928 A.E. van Giffen (Groningen) assisted F. Tompa (Budapest) in the excavation of an urncemetery at Dömsöd, Kom. Pest, near the Danube c. 50 km south of Budapest. 59 graves were excavated. The finds from 16 graves became part of the Groningen study collection; the rest of the material went to the National Museum, Budapest, but was mostly destroyed during the war. The Dömsöd material in Groningen is here catalogued, described and illustrated. The urns are typical for the early phase of the Vatja culture. The accessory vessels often reflect contacts with other Early Bronze Age groups. One grave (No. 43) has a fairly rich assortment of copper and other ornaments; various other graves have copper objects.