Some notes on recent and pre- and protohistoric fishing gear from Northwestern Europe
(p. 49-50)
In the first part of this article a number of fishing methods and types of fishing gear known from ethnographical sources are described. Three principal fishing methods can be distinguished.
In the second part of this article a few general comments are made on the pre- and protohistoric actively operated fishing gear, the bone and antler fish-spear prongs, gorges and fish-hooks. Six fish-hooks from the Netherlands are described and considered from a theoretical viewpoint with regard to their effectiveness and the possible fish species that could have been caught with them.
The most striking conclusion concerning the prehistoric wickerwork fish-traps found in Northwestern Europe is that their overall shape, the plaiting technique and the materials used were the same as those which have been used until recently. In view of this, it is certain that the prehistoric wickerwork fish-traps were very efficient and could have trapped nearly all the fish species which were living at that time. It is also clear that they were used both in a freshwater and in a marine environment.