Seeds and fruits from the Swifterbant S3 site. Final reports on Swifterbant IV
(p. 106)
This paper constitutes the final report on the examination of seeds, fruits and other macroscopic plant remains, except charcoal and noncarbonized wood, from the Swifterbant S3 settlement site. Prior to the discussion of the palaeobotanical results a brief survey will be presented of the palaeogeography of the area and of the prehistoric habitation. The main objectives of this review are the following: 1) to focus attention on the unusual environmental conditions of the S3 site and other similar habitation sites in the area; 2) to provide information on the physical milieu of the area indispensable for the interpretation of the botanical data; and 3) to point at the particular conditions with respect to the preservation of plant remains at S3 and other sites. For more detailed information the reader is referred to the publications cited below.