Holocene vegetation and climate of Northwestern Syria
(p. 112)
In 1970, J. Niklewski and W. van Zeist published a pollen diagram prepared for an 11-m-long sediment core from the Ghab valley in northwestern Syria (fig. 1). This valley, through which the Orontes river flows, extends c. 50 km from south to north and has a maximum width of c. 12 km. Before the valley was drained in 1953-1955 it was covered for the greater part by lakes and swamps. To the west of the Ghab valley, the Alaouite Mountains (or Ansariye Mountains) reach elevations of over 1300 m (4000 ft). The Zawiyé Mountains to the east of the valley are much lower. For further particulars on the geography of the area and for climatic data the reader is referred to Niklewski & van Zeist (1970).