Het achtste internationale godsdienstsociologische congres 2-4 juli te Barcelona
A report on the Barcelona Congress on Religious Sociol of Jul, 1965 whose theme was 'Religion in the Transition from a Pre-Technological to an Industrial and Urban Society.' It is felt that the use of the word religion may be misleading here because the congress was more concerned with ecclesiastical org than with faith. Some papers did concern themselves with the borderland between empirical sci & theological & philosophical problems, esp the introductory remarks of Schreuder (the Netherlands) on developments in religious sociol since 1962, but they did not change the prevailing emphasis on instit'al questions, as expressed in the remark of the Secretary of the Congress, Doucastella, who hoped that it would prove of help in pastoral work. This emphasis may have had something to do with the presence of many Catholics from Mediterranean countries for, except for France, religious sociol has not made much progress there. Of the chief speakers, Kirk (US) talked on the role of the churches in the changing US South; Simey (UK) on the responsibility of the sociol'st in an age of changing values; Pin (Italy) surveyed & schematized religious motivations (primary & secondary, with subdivisions); Prades (Belgium) dealt abstractly with religious values in an Ur environment; Remy (Belgium) criticized Ur church instit's; Greeley (US) reviewed the problems of Catholic educ. The discussions of the Englishlanguage group were found more stimulating than the formal sessions of the Congress. I. Langnas.