
Economische sociologie of sociologische economie? De betekenis van de ruiltheoretische sociologie voor de neoklassieke economie; een interdisciplinaire werkelijkheidsconceptie


  • Huppes,T.


Trade theory of human activity in sociology & economics


Human activity is the subject of investigation of both economics & sociology, although from different perspectives. Within sociology there is a movement which synthesizes these 2 fields, known as trade theory & represented mainly by G. Homans & P. Blau. Their theory is based on the same concept of reality as that of neoclassical economics. Homans was influenced by Pareto, who distinguished rational human behavior (economics) & irrational behavior (sociology). Social behavior is explained on the basis of hedonism (satisfaction is provided for by trade), rationalism (which controls trade), & atomism (individualism determines social behavior.) Prices in an economic situation fulfill the same role as norms in a social context. Power & income differences may, but do not necessarily have to lead to conflicts in the system; more often they are the result of change. This interdisciplinary approach is illustrated on the basis of a social & economic phenomenon--inflation. Further work still needs to be done in the area of change, which has not been defined very well within this theory. P. Tiersma.

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