
Traditionalisme in de sportwereld


  • Stokvis,R.


Amateur rule in olympic sports


For years the Olympic movement has resisted attempts to change the rule allowing only amateurs to participate in the games. This is in the face of increasing difficulties for the participants to prepare for the fierce competition & at the same time engage in their work, study, etc. The most important organization opposing the change is the International Olympic Committee, which is a conservative, independent body of dignitaries. The 1st amateur rule dates from England in 1939, where it was imposed on participants of the Henley regatta. Its origins lie in the fact that sports were previously something engaged in by "gentlemen," & the rule of amateurism excluded the LC, who could not afford the time to participate if there were no monetary rewards involved. This was similarly the case in The Netherlands, where in 1895, some 96% of the soccer players were from the UC. When professional sports increased in number, the amateur rule served to keep certain of the competitions more exclusive. By means of the same rule, the members of the International Olympic Committee, almost all from the UC, have managed to retain the "honor" involved in the gentleman's participation in sport. P. Tiersma.

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