
Van theoretische oriëntaties naar verklarende theorieën


  • Wippler,R.


statements vs logical structure, elaboration strategies


If the goal of empirical-theoretical science is to formulate true & informative theories, the preoccupation with analyzing & comparing theoretical orientations in contemporary theoretical sociology is to be seen as a prelude to the construction of testable theories. Theoretical orientations such as symbolic interactionism, behavioral sociology, functionalism, or historical materialism may appear to be more or less fruitful starting points for theory construction, but they are not falsifiable themselves. Presented here is an examination of how theoretical orientations can be elaborated into explanatory theories. Since theoretical orientations consist for a large part of orienting statements, their logical structure is analyzed as being partially specified (& hence not falsifiable) statements. In sociology, orienting statements are usually treated in 2 ways: one can look for the background assumptions implied, or one can elaborate them into testable hypotheses. The 2nd way is recommended because it increases criticizability & therefore contributes to the growth of knowledge. There are 2 strategies for the elaboration of theoretical orientations into explanatory theories. The 1st starts from one orientation & results in different theories. The use of this strategy is shown by sketching the elaboration of symbolic interactionism by W. P. Archibald, of behavioral sociology by K. D. Opp, of functionalism by H. G. Schutte, & of historical materialism. AA.

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