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In "Achievement" en "ascription": variaties op een thema ("Achievement" and "Ascription": Variations on a Theme), Frans Kerstholt comments on an article by Harry B. G. Ganzeboom et al ("Intergenerationale klassenmobiliteit in Nederland tussen 1970 en 1985" [Intergenerational Class Mobility in the Netherlands between 1970 and 1985] see SA 35:5/87R9822) & another by Ganzeboom & Paul M. de Graaf, "Intergenerationale opleidingsmobiliteit in Nederland van geboortecohorten 1891-1960" [Intergenerational Educational Mobility in the Netherlands of the Cohorts 1891-1960], Sociale Wetenschappen, 1989), critiquing Ganzeboom's & De Graaf's policy of combining several different surveys into one database, without conducting random tests to assure that the combined surveys are still representative of the cohorts implied. Several methods are proposed to ensure the compatibility of different surveys. In Bestaat het wetenschappelijk forum eigelijk wel (Does the Scientific Forum Really Exist), Peter van Kolverschoten critiques the work of Ganzeboom (eg, Leefstijlen in Nederland [Lifestyles in the Netherlands], Alphen a/d Rijn: Samson, 1988) & of De Graaf (eg, "De invloed van financiele en culturele hulpbronnen in schoolloopbanen" [The Influence of Financial and Cultural Aid in the Educational Career], 1987 dissertation, Rijks U of Utrecht, Netherlands), particularly their survey methods, doubting the reliability & validity of their work. In Reactie op Van Kolverschoten en Kerstholt (Reaction on Van Kolverschoten and Kerstholt) Ganzeboom & De Graaf refute Van Kolverschoten's & Kerstholt's arguments, claiming that their criticisms show elementary ignorance of customary research procedures, & reiterate the most important points of their survey methods & results, pointing out the important historical changes in Dutch society revealed in their work. 19 References. M. Barker

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