
Job satisfaction in residential care


  • Jan van der Ploeg Leiden University
  • Evert Scholte Leiden University


Job satisfaction can be regarded as a constellation of attitudes about various aspects of a person’s job. We studied 234 child care workers in residential homes and measured their job satisfaction with the Leiden Job Satisfaction Questionnaire for Care Professionals Working in Residential Services, LSG. We found five dimensions of job satisfaction: supervision, relationships with colleagues, participation, management of the work, and commitment to the institution. We also studied the relationship between job satifaction on the one hand and personal variables and organisational aspects on the other.

Author Biographies

Jan van der Ploeg, Leiden University

Jan van der Ploeg, PhD, is professor in Child Psychology at the Faculty of Social and Behavourial Sciences, Leiden University, the Netherlands.

Evert Scholte, Leiden University

Evert Scholte, PhD, is senior researcher in Child Psychology at the Faculty of Social and Behavourial Sciences, Leiden University, the Netherlands.




