
Overijld toegepaste wetenschap


  • Berkhout,W. G.


Group research, United States of America, Productivity, Group dynamics, Methodological problems


Keen interest is shown in the US for the productivity of the group. In this respect decisions made by the group are more important than those made by individuals. K. Lewin founded the Research Center for Group Dynamics in 1945. His Schools study, among other things, the ways by which changes in the group occur. The author observed the Nat Training Laboratories in Group Development at Bethel,Maine. Some of the criticisms are: the pupils who had been subjected to tests had been conscious of being used as objects of investigation and felt ill at ease; the basic-hypo (taken from R. Bion) used for the classification of the emotional desires of the group are disagreed with; it takes for granted that the belief of the group is right; any form of criticism of the group is rejected as being the rationalization of self-interest; it is evident that a wrong notion about man is at the root of it. The author is, therefore, of the opinion that a wrong path has been taken. Bavelas appears to the author to be more objective when he applies his exp'al method. H.P.M. Goddijn.

Biografie auteur

Berkhout,W. G.




